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Saturday 1 February 2020

Chemical reaction part 2

What are thermal decomposition reactions? Explain with an example.​

Thermal decomposition, or thermolysis, is a chemical decomposition caused by heat. The decomposition temperature of a substance is the temperature at which the substance chemically Decomposes. The Reaction is usually endothermic as heat is required to break chemical bonds in the compound undergoing decomposition.

What information is conveyed by a balanced chemical equation?

A chemical equation defines most of the major facts about any reaction.

The basic knowledge that is conveyed by a balanced chemical equation are as follows:

1. The respective formulas of the reactants and products.

2. The respective masses of the reactants and products.

3. The total number of molecules involved in the process.

Give 2 examples of each of the following changes occurring during a chemical reaction :
1) Change of state of the reactants 
2) Change of colour 
3) Evolution of gas 
4) Formation of precipitate 


Characteristics of chemical reaction:
1) Change of state of the reactants:
Ammonia gas reacts with hydrogen chloride gas to produce solid ammonium chloride.
NH subscript 3 subscript open parentheses straight g close parentheses end subscript end subscript space plus space HCl subscript open parentheses straight g close parentheses end subscript space space space rightwards arrow with space space space space space space on top space space NH subscript 4 Cl subscript open parentheses straight s close parentheses end subscript
2)Change of colour 
Wehne few pices of Fe are added to the blue copper sulphate solution, the colour of the solution fades
and turns into light green due to the formation of ferrous sulphate.
Fe subscript open parentheses straight s close parentheses end subscript space space plus space CuSO subscript 4 subscript open parentheses aq close parentheses end subscript end subscript space rightwards arrow with space space space on top space space FeSO subscript 4 subscript open parentheses aq close parentheses end subscript end subscript space space space plus space space Cu subscript open parentheses straight s close parentheses end subscript
3)Evolution of gas 
Zn space plus space space straight H subscript 2 SO subscript 4 space space end subscript space rightwards arrow with space space space space on top space ZnSO subscript 4 space space space plus space space straight H subscript 2 space upwards arrow
4) Formation of precipitate


When silver nitrate is added to sodium chloride, white insoluble precipitate of silver chloride is formed.

AgNO subscript 3 subscript open parentheses aq close parentheses end subscript space plus space space NaCl subscript aq space space space space rightwards arrow with space space space space on top space space space AgCl subscript open parentheses ppt close parentheses end subscript space downwards arrow space plus space NaNO subscript 3 subscript open parentheses aq close parentheses end subscript end subscript
When ferrous sulphate solution is added to the sodium hydroxide, a dirty green precipitate ferrous hydroxide is formed.
FeSO subscript 4 subscript open parentheses aq close parentheses end subscript end subscript space space plus space space 2 NaOH subscript open parentheses aq close parentheses end subscript space space rightwards arrow with space space on top space space space Fe open parentheses OH close parentheses subscript 2 space downwards arrow space space plus space Na subscript 2 SO subscript 4 subscript open parentheses aq close parentheses end subscript

With the help of experiment, show the effect of heat on lime stone.​


Let's stick to limestone, calcium carbonate. When heated it will decompose to form carbon dioxide and calcium oxide. ... When water is added to calcium oxide the results is an exothermic reaction (heat given off) as the water hydrates the oxide to form a hydroxide by a process of slaking. Hence slaked lime.

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